Tuesday, February 12, 2013


As, I was scrubbing another, yes, another pair of Madison's jeans this morning, trying to remove the grass stains, I began to think about why they were so stained.  You see, Madison, played extremely hard while playing in those jeans Saturday.  She walked 2x4 boards while pretending she was walking a tight rope.  She shot her BB gun and Jaelyn's bow and arrow.  She crawled all over the ground as she anxiously watched her mom and dad building a chicken coop. Actually, she helped as much as possible. She enjoyed climbing the ladder and holding the level for daddy.  She rode her Aunt's 3 wheel bicycle through mud puddles. She enjoyed jumping on the trampoline and swinging with her sister.  She enjoyed being an 8 year old girl.  My point is......I am glad that my girls still want to be little girls. They want to enjoy nature and just run and play.  They don't want to sit in front of the TV, computer, or video games all the time. I truly feel that it is important that children are allowed to be children.  Nowadays, they grow up WAY TOO FAST!   
We changed up our curriculum last week, and I must say, that "school time" has gone so much better. I think they were doing alot of work, but not really learning.  Not saying, that curriculum was not a good curriculum,but it just wasnt' working for us.  We are now using more of a Charlotte Mason approach. We shall see how it goes.
After 3 days of pretty much continuous rain, our potatoe plants are sprouting...yay. I get so excited when I see things growing, especially when it is healthy food to feed my family.  I am praying that we have a bountiful harvest this year and are able to share our goodies with family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. So glad that my girls have your wonderful girls to get to be "just girls" with. It is so great to not have to worry about the things that many other mothers have to worry over. Ours are so innocent to the worldliness around them.

    I am happy to hear you like your curriculum changes. I don't know if I told you this, but you might want to look at Queen's homeschool even if it is not for products, but to get ideas from what direction you want to go.

    Also, excited about the potatoes.... I can hardly wait to see sprouts here. I also want to learn about sweet potatoes. I want to do it all!!! ;)
